Saturday, March 1, 2008

Much A-Diet About Nothing

Eat no more, ladies, eat no more;
Men were gourmands ever;
One fork in salmon, one in pig's corps,
To one course restricted never;
Then sigh not at salad, nor at soup be ruffled,
But let them eat until chocolate souffled,
And be you lithe and bonny;
Let your stomach's protests be muffled
Into 'Hey, nonny, nonny'.

Eat no more steak, dear ladies, eat no mo
Dumplings, full of meat and heavy;
The chicken and mash of men was ever so,
Since summer, fully sozzled in gravy;
Then sigh not at salad, nor at soup be ruffled,
But let them eat until chocolate souffled,
And be you lithe and bonny;
Let your stomach's protests be muffled
Into 'Hey, nonny, nonny'.

Original text:

1 comment:

essay best said...

hahaha what a lovely piece of writing! did you write that all by yourself? its amazing honey. sending lots of love and respect to you from north carolina. keep up the good work.