Friday, February 22, 2008

A Professor of English from Delhi

A Professor of English from Delhi
Thought Byron was better than Shelley.
And when asked about Donne
He'd say, "Donne's more fun
than a pound of raspberry jelly."


fyn scarlet reed said...

a truly awful double-limerick:

I eye my tankard. I am having fonne.
Like everyone else. Well, all but onne:
A disagreeable fellow
His neckcloth quite yellow
Who dearly I wish would be gonne.

He sits next to me, as prim as a nonne,
And orders his seventh hot cross bonne.
The sight makes me sick.
You may call me a prick,
But I wish he would shortly be donne.

B. Jabberjee said...

An equally awful attempt at writing a sonnet-length version of The Professor of English.

It now reads:

A Professor of English from Delhi
Thought Byron was better than Shelley.
When it came to Keats
He'd say, "Well, my sweets,
He gives me an ache in the belly"
And he’d rather be drowning,
Than reading some Browning,
Or worse, be watching the telly.
But when quizzed about Donne
He'd say, "Donne's more fun
Than a pound of raspberry jelly.
Now, dear Rajeev,
You must give me leave;
It's time for my train to Bareilly."


Anjali said...

Love this one! Extremely entertaining :)

B. Jabberjee said...



Obiewan said...

a riot!